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‘The Challenge’ Star C.T. Tamburello Settles Divorce

‘The Challenge’ Star C.T. Tamburello Settles Divorce

MTV's "The Challenge" star C.T. Tamburello has finalized his divorce with Lilianet Solares after a year-long court battle. They have agreed to split custody of their 7-year-old son, Christopher Jr., and share expenses for the child. C.T. will pay $761.39 per month in child support and an additional $332.45 for each week he is unable to exercise equal timesharing due to work. He will keep their home and his company, while Lilianet keeps her business. The couple had strict rules in place for their child, including limited communication between parents during visitation.

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‘The Challenge’ Star C.T. Tamburello Settles Divorce
