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‘T-bill and chill’: Why Jack Bogle’s strategy of ‘lazy’ investing is making a comeback

‘T-bill And Chill’: Why Jack Bogle’s Strategy Of ‘lazy’ Investing Is Making A Comeback

Individual investors are returning to the strategy of "lazy" investing, popularized by Vanguard founder Jack Bogle. This approach focuses on low-cost, passive investments that compound over time. The recent surge in interest rates and the decline of meme stocks have led investors to rediscover the benefits of this strategy. Bogleheads, as they call themselves, are well-positioned in the current market. The move towards lazy investing is also evident in the shift of brokerage firm Robinhood, once associated with day trading, towards higher yields and longer-term thinking. Retail investors are increasingly turning to bond ETFs to capture rising interest rates.

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‘T-bill and chill’: Why Jack Bogle’s strategy of ‘lazy’ investing is making a comeback
