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Infant dies the day before his 1st birthday after father is fatally shot and collapses on him

Infant Dies The Day Before His 1st Birthday After Father Is Fatally Shot And Collapses On Him

A 31-year-old man, Kenneth Morrison, was fatally shot at a residence in Billings, Montana, and fell on top of his infant son, Tatee’k Morrison, who also died. The incident occurred on November 1st, and witnesses saw a vehicle pull up to the house and fire shots into a neighboring residence. The police forced entry into the home and found Kenneth deceased and the infant unresponsive. The suspect's vehicle was located, and ten people were detained, but no arrests have been made. Tatee’k would have turned one year old on November 2nd.

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Infant dies the day before his 1st birthday after father is fatally shot and collapses on him
