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CRPF Personnel in Kumar Vishwas’ Security Detail Removed from Duty Over Road Rage Incident, Inquiry On

CRPF Personnel In Kumar Vishwas’ Security Detail Removed From Duty Over Road Rage Incident, Inquiry On

CRPF personnel in the security detail of poet Kumar Vishwas have been removed from duty and a departmental inquiry has been initiated following an alleged road rage incident in Ghaziabad. Initial inquiries have found that the conduct of the personnel was not appropriate and that Vishwas instigated the confrontation. A case has been filed against the security personnel by the driver of the other car involved in the incident. Vishwas claims that his security detail was "attacked" by the other car, but officials deny this. The security personnel will face appropriate action based on the inquiry findings.

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CRPF Personnel in Kumar Vishwas’ Security Detail Removed from Duty Over Road Rage Incident, Inquiry On
