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Madagascar: At least 16 injured in opposition protests as tensions rise ahead presidential

Madagascar: At Least 16 Injured In Opposition Protests As Tensions Rise Ahead Presidential

At least 16 people, including four policemen, were injured in violent protests at the Stade des Bareas in Madagascar's capital, Antananarivo. The demonstrations were organized by the opposition coalition 'Collectif des candidats' to denounce what they consider an illegitimate electoral process ahead of the November 16 presidential election. The protests were triggered by the Constitutional Court dismissing appeals to declare President Andry Rajoelina's candidacy void due to his dual French nationality. Rajoelina resigned last month to run for re-election, and opposition candidates have been leading unauthorised marches in the capital, met with heavy police presence and tear gas.

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Madagascar: At least 16 injured in opposition protests as tensions rise ahead presidential
