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Kremlin says Putin will ‘win confidently’ if he runs in the 2024 presidential election

Kremlin Says Putin Will ‘win Confidently’ If He Runs In The 2024 Presidential Election

The Kremlin is confident that Russian President Vladimir Putin will win the 2024 presidential election if he chooses to run for another term. Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin's press secretary, stated that while there has been no formal announcement, he believes Putin will win confidently. Opinion polls show Putin's approval rating at 82%, and under his tenure, opposition parties have been dismantled and critics harassed or imprisoned. Analysts believe that any change in Russia's political system or leadership would have to come from within the elite, and the outcome of the war in Ukraine could have an impact.

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Kremlin says Putin will ‘win confidently’ if he runs in the 2024 presidential election
