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Special Toothpaste Could End Severe Peanut Reactions for People With Allergies

Special Toothpaste Could End Severe Peanut Reactions For People With Allergies

Researchers have developed a special toothpaste that could help people with peanut allergies by gradually building their immunity to peanuts. The toothpaste, called Oral Mucosal Immunotherapy (OMIT), contains small amounts of peanut protein and is designed to desensitize patients to peanuts over time. In a small trial, all participants tolerated the highest dose of the peanut toothpaste without any severe reactions. The toothpaste could potentially provide an alternative to current allergy treatments that require frequent visits to a clinic over a period of years. Further testing is needed before the toothpaste is made available to patients.

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Special Toothpaste Could End Severe Peanut Reactions for People With Allergies
