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The Biden-Xi summit could be the last chance to stabilize U.S.-China relationship: Op-ed

The Biden-Xi Summit Could Be The Last Chance To Stabilize U.S.-China Relationship: Op-ed

The upcoming summit between Xi Jinping and Joe Biden at the Asia Pacific Economic Conference (APEC) will be crucial in stabilizing the relationship between the United States and China. Both countries are engaged in a long-term competition for global supremacy, but there is a growing need for cooperation on global issues such as nuclear arms control and climate change. The outcome of the summit will determine whether the two powers can strike a balance between competition and cooperation. It is important to recognize China's role in shaping the relationship, and a constructive shift in bilateral relations could benefit US businesses with operations in China.

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The Biden-Xi summit could be the last chance to stabilize U.S.-China relationship: Op-ed
