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Boy Invents Smart Spoon for His Uncle’s Trembling Hands that Is Affordable in India

Boy Invents Smart Spoon For His Uncle’s Trembling Hands That Is Affordable In India

A 10-year-old boy named Aarrav Anil from India has invented a mechanical spoon to help his uncle eat despite his hand tremors caused by Parkinson's disease. The spoon automatically stabilizes itself and is made with motors, sensors, microelectronics, and a 3D printer. Anil has received feedback and is fine-tuning the design based on suggestions, including making it waterproof and detachable for easy cleaning. The spoon is more affordable than similar devices on the market, making it accessible for the 7 million Parkinson's patients in India. Anil plans to publish the results of a trial and manufacture the spoons on a small scale.

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Boy Invents Smart Spoon for His Uncle’s Trembling Hands that Is Affordable in India
