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‘Daesh broke us’: Displaced Malians find refuge in Kidal after fleeing jihadist attacks

‘Daesh Broke Us’: Displaced Malians Find Refuge In Kidal After Fleeing Jihadist Attacks

A group of displaced people in Mali have sought refuge in the town of Kidal after fleeing jihadist violence in the Talataye region. They have lost their possessions and livestock and face the challenge of starting anew. The displaced individuals have set up basic tents in a camp near Kidal and rely on the support of humanitarian actors. Despite the difficulties, there is a collective effort to assist and support those who have been displaced. The camp in Kidal serves as a temporary haven where they hope to find solace and rebuild their lives.

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‘Daesh broke us’: Displaced Malians find refuge in Kidal after fleeing jihadist attacks
