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Bihar’s Nitish Kumar Ignites Caste Debate, How Quota Smoke Has Reached, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala

Bihar’s Nitish Kumar Ignites Caste Debate, How Quota Smoke Has Reached, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala

The Nitish Kumar government in Bihar has passed a bill to provide 65% reservation to OBCs, EBCs, SCs, and STs in government jobs and educational institutions, breaching the Supreme Court's 50% ceiling. Maharashtra is also facing the quota question, with Marathas demanding blanket reservation. In Karnataka, the state commission will submit its report on the caste census, while the Left government in Kerala is facing pressure to release caste-based data. Telangana has 50% reservation for OBCs, SCs, and STs, and Tamil Nadu has 69% reservation, including reservations for minority communities.

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Bihar’s Nitish Kumar Ignites Caste Debate, How Quota Smoke Has Reached, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala
