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Health officials recommend more syphilis testing after U.S. newborn cases skyrocketed in 2022

Health Officials Recommend More Syphilis Testing After U.S. Newborn Cases Skyrocketed In 2022

In 2022, there was a significant increase in cases of syphilis in newborns in the US, with over 3,700 babies born with congenital syphilis, a 32% increase from the previous year. The rise in cases is linked to the surge in syphilis cases in adults. The CDC is calling for increased prevention measures, including widespread testing for syphilis among women of childbearing age and their partners. Medical providers are urged to start treatment for syphilis in pregnant women as soon as they test positive, and rapid tests should be made more accessible in various settings.

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Health officials recommend more syphilis testing after U.S. newborn cases skyrocketed in 2022
