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St. Louis Looks to Resettle Chicago Migrants From Venezuela to Reverse Long-Declining Population and Boost Work Force

St. Louis Looks To Resettle Chicago Migrants From Venezuela To Reverse Long-Declining Population And Boost Work Force

A civic leader from St. Louis visited the Chicago Mayor's Office to discuss a program to resettle Venezuelan migrants in St. Louis. Around 20,000 migrants, mostly Venezuelans, have arrived in Chicago this year, posing challenges in finding them places to stay. St. Louis, which is experiencing a decline in population and employees, believes that welcoming the migrants could benefit both the migrants and the city in the long term. The International Institute of St. Louis has launched a Latino Outreach Program to attract and accommodate migrants from Latin America. The St. Louis Mayor's Office has not had direct conversations about welcoming more migrants from Chicago but has a cooperative relationship with the International Institute.

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St. Louis Looks to Resettle Chicago Migrants From Venezuela to Reverse Long-Declining Population and Boost Work Force
