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‘Treehouse of Horror XXXIV’ Was Filled with Punchlines Lifted Straight from Two-Years-Ago Twitter

‘Treehouse Of Horror XXXIV’ Was Filled With Punchlines Lifted Straight From Two-Years-Ago Twitter

The news article discusses the recent episode of "The Simpsons" titled "Treehouse of Horror XXXIV" and criticizes its use of outdated and unfunny punchlines. The first segment parodies NFTs, the second focuses on Lisa's pursuit of revenge against Sideshow Bob, and the third involves Homer turning the world into versions of himself. The article argues that the episode suffers from a toxic relationship with topicality and fails to provide effective social commentary, highlighting the decline of the show's humor and originality.

The post ‘Treehouse of Horror XXXIV’ Was Filled with Punchlines Lifted Straight from Two-Years-Ago Twitter appeared first on Balanced News Summary.

This post first appeared on Balanced News Summary, please read the originial post: here

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‘Treehouse of Horror XXXIV’ Was Filled with Punchlines Lifted Straight from Two-Years-Ago Twitter
