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Flexport gobbles up Convoy’s assets, Revel pulls the plug on mopeds and UAW sets its sights on Toyota and Tesla

Flexport Gobbles Up Convoy’s Assets, Revel Pulls The Plug On Mopeds And UAW Sets Its Sights On Toyota And Tesla

The United Autoworkers (UAW) has reached tentative agreements with GM, Stellantis, and Ford, ending a six-week strike and securing significant concessions for workers, including record pay raises and the end of a tiered wage system. UAW President Shawn Fain has indicated that the union will now focus its efforts on Toyota, Tesla, and joint venture battery factories. In other news, electric moped sharing company Revel is shutting down its e-moped service due to declining ridership, and digital freight network Convoy's assets will be acquired by supply chain logistics startup Flexport.

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Flexport gobbles up Convoy’s assets, Revel pulls the plug on mopeds and UAW sets its sights on Toyota and Tesla
