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MI-17 Helicopters, Drones, Bomb Squads: Amid Tight Security & Naxal Threat, Chhattisgarh All Set to Vote

MI-17 Helicopters, Drones, Bomb Squads: Amid Tight Security & Naxal Threat, Chhattisgarh All Set To Vote

Ahead of the Chhattisgarh elections, the Indian Air Force has deployed MI-17 helicopters to transport polling officials into Naxal zones. The move aims to enable voting in nearly 125 villages in Bastar for the first time. Drones and helicopters are also being used for surveillance in various jungle areas. Security measures include bomb disposal teams, dog squads, and multi-tier security arrangements. The CPI-Maoist has issued threats against polling officials, and there have been recent incidents of violence. The police and central forces have taken steps to ensure the safety of voters and officials.

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MI-17 Helicopters, Drones, Bomb Squads: Amid Tight Security & Naxal Threat, Chhattisgarh All Set to Vote
