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Parenting tips from a traditional British ‘Mary Poppins’ nanny — from handling tantrums to limiting tablet time

Parenting Tips From A Traditional British ‘Mary Poppins’ Nanny — From Handling Tantrums To Limiting Tablet Time

Norland College in the UK is known for providing highly trained and sought-after nannies, including those who work for the royal family. The college offers a four-year training program that includes academic and practical training, with graduates earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in early childhood education and care. Norland nannies are known for their distinctive brown uniforms, which have been compared to what Mary Poppins wore. These nannies are in high demand and can earn up to £124,000 ($154,000) if they have eight or more years of experience working outside the UK.

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Parenting tips from a traditional British ‘Mary Poppins’ nanny — from handling tantrums to limiting tablet time
