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10 Celebrities Who Are Great at Impersonating Other Celebrities

10 Celebrities Who Are Great At Impersonating Other Celebrities

The news article discusses ten celebrities who are skilled at impersonating other celebrities. It mentions Tom Hiddleston impersonating Owen Wilson's Texan twang, Mark Hamill imitating Harrison Ford's grumbling, Ariana Grande doing a spot-on Jennifer Coolidge impression, and Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellan imitating each other's voices. It also highlights Anne Hathaway's impression of Matthew McConaughey, Simon Pegg's ability to imitate each member of The Beatles, Keke Palmer's perfect Angela Bassett impersonation, Ben Affleck mimicking Morgan Freeman's speech, Bradley Cooper's Christopher Walken impression, and Jamie Foxx's range of celebrity imitations, including Donald Trump.

The post 10 Celebrities Who Are Great at Impersonating Other Celebrities appeared first on Balanced News Summary.

This post first appeared on Balanced News Summary, please read the originial post: here

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10 Celebrities Who Are Great at Impersonating Other Celebrities
