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IIT-BHU Molestation: ABVP Slams UP Cong Chief for ‘Cheap Politics’

IIT-BHU Molestation: ABVP Slams UP Cong Chief For ‘Cheap Politics’

The RSS-affiliated ABVP has criticized Uttar Pradesh Congress chief Ajay Rai for his comments on the alleged molestation incident at Banaras Hindu University (BHU), calling it an attempt to defame academic institutions. Rai had accused members of the students' group of being involved in the incident. The ABVP condemned Rai's remarks, stating that he was exploiting the students' issues for his own political gain. The ABVP also referenced a previous incident at Allahabad University and accused student leaders from other groups of vandalizing the university. An FIR has been filed against Rai based on a complaint from the ABVP.

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IIT-BHU Molestation: ABVP Slams UP Cong Chief for ‘Cheap Politics’
