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Pierre Poilievre, Scott Moe slam carbon tax at Sask. Party convention

Pierre Poilievre, Scott Moe Slam Carbon Tax At Sask. Party Convention

Federal Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre praised Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe and Finance Minister Donna Harpauer for their fight against the federal government's carbon pricing efforts. Poilievre made the remarks during an address at the Saskatchewan Party convention. He also discussed his party's plans, including capping spending with a "dollar-for-dollar law" and getting rid of the ArriveCan app. Moe received support from 87% of party members at the convention and said his government would work more collaboratively with the federal government if Poilievre won the next election and removed the carbon tax and other "impediments for the province." Moe also mentioned attending the UN Climate Change Conference.

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Pierre Poilievre, Scott Moe slam carbon tax at Sask. Party convention
