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New ‘clear roadmap’ deal could see dodge muscle cars built in Windsor, Jeep Compass come to Brampton

New ‘clear Roadmap’ Deal Could See Dodge Muscle Cars Built In Windsor, Jeep Compass Come To Brampton

According to a master bargaining report obtained by CBC News, the Windsor Assembly Plant will build the next generation of Dodge muscle cars, while the Brampton plant will start building the Jeep Compass after retooling. The report was circulated by Unifor, which is aiming to ratify a new three-year collective agreement with Stellantis. The agreement includes investments and job security for Unifor members and follows the pattern deal set by agreements with Ford and General Motors, including a 20% wage increase. Voting on the agreement began on Saturday.

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New ‘clear roadmap’ deal could see dodge muscle cars built in Windsor, Jeep Compass come to Brampton
