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Scientists Engineered a Bacteria to Eat Plastic Bottles and Transforming Them into Useful Liquids

Scientists Engineered A Bacteria To Eat Plastic Bottles And Transforming Them Into Useful Liquids

Scientists at the University of Edinburgh have engineered a strain of E. coli bacteria that can consume plastic bottles and transform them into useful liquids such as make-up, drugs, and perfumes. This "one-pot" solution could help address the issue of plastic waste, as millions of tons of disposable PET bottles are discarded each year. The bacteria can upcycle PET into adipic acid, a substance widely used in cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and fragrance industries. The researchers hope that their study will encourage industries to use fossil alternatives and create circular economies to avoid environmental consequences.

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Scientists Engineered a Bacteria to Eat Plastic Bottles and Transforming Them into Useful Liquids
