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Millionaire Builds 99 Tiny Homes to Cut Homelessness in His Community–He Even Provides Jobs On Site for Them

Millionaire Builds 99 Tiny Homes To Cut Homelessness In His Community–He Even Provides Jobs On Site For Them

After selling his social media monitoring company for eight figures, Marcel LeBrun, a millionaire entrepreneur from New Brunswick, is using his profits to build a community of tiny homes for homeless individuals in Fredericton. The 12 Neighbours gated community will consist of 99 homes and an enterprise center to provide job opportunities for the residents. LeBrun has invested $4 million of his own money in the project and has received a total of $12 million in grants and government support. The community aims to give homeless individuals a sense of responsibility and a supportive community.

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Millionaire Builds 99 Tiny Homes to Cut Homelessness in His Community–He Even Provides Jobs On Site for Them
