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‘Rick and Morty’ Fans Are Upset That Season Seven Is All ‘Rick,’ No ‘And Morty’

‘Rick And Morty’ Fans Are Upset That Season Seven Is All ‘Rick,’ No ‘And Morty’

Rick and Morty fans are expressing their disappointment with Season Seven, as the show has primarily focused on Rick's character and neglected the partnership between Rick and Morty. Fans have taken to social media platforms to voice their frustration, with some speculating that the lack of Morty's screen time is due to dissatisfaction with the new voice actor. However, it is expected that Morty will have a more prominent role in future episodes. The article concludes by suggesting that fans may soon find new reasons to criticize the show.

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‘Rick and Morty’ Fans Are Upset That Season Seven Is All ‘Rick,’ No ‘And Morty’
