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Benin: Deforestation threatens sacred forests of Voodoo believers

Benin: Deforestation Threatens Sacred Forests Of Voodoo Believers

The sacred forests of Voodoo believers in Benin are being threatened by deforestation, according to locals, aid groups, and worshippers. Between 2005 and 2015, more than 20% of Benin's forests have decreased, with deforestation continuing at a rate of over 2% per year. Worshippers fear that the loss of these spaces could have far-reaching effects, not just environmentally, but also on the social fabric of the country. They believe that if the spirits are angered, they could inflict war, sickness, and death on the population. The government has implemented measures to protect the forests, but challenges remain.

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Benin: Deforestation threatens sacred forests of Voodoo believers
