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3 Bizarre Behind-the-Scenes Pranks From the ‘Lord of the Rings’ Franchise

3 Bizarre Behind-the-Scenes Pranks From The ‘Lord Of The Rings’ Franchise

The news article discusses three bizarre behind-the-scenes pranks from the 'Lord of the Rings' franchise. The first prank involved actors Dominic Monaghan and Billy Boyd convincing a pilot to perform aerial maneuvers with Sean Bean, who actually had a fear of flying. Bean ended up climbing a mountain every day instead. The second prank involved actor John Rhys-Davies pretending to rip off his finger, using a temporary prosthetic and fake blood. The third prank involved chainmail technicians who developed strange hobbies, including tying up a Smurf and referring to themselves as "mad as a meataxe."

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3 Bizarre Behind-the-Scenes Pranks From the ‘Lord of the Rings’ Franchise
