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Environmentalist And His Two Siblings Create Company To Remove Trash From Indonesia’s Heavily Polluted Rivers

Environmentalist And His Two Siblings Create Company To Remove Trash From Indonesia’s Heavily Polluted Rivers

Sungai Watch, founded by environmentalist Sam Benchegjib and his two siblings, is an organization dedicated to cleaning up Indonesia's heavily polluted rivers and preserving aquatic ecosystems. The country's lack of effective plastic waste management has made it the second-largest contributor to the global ocean plastic crisis. Sungai Watch has removed over 1.2 million kilograms of plastic waste from rivers and installed 180 trash barriers. They have also focused on upstream collaboration and education to reduce plastic pollution. The organization's success highlights the power of grassroots efforts in addressing environmental challenges and offers hope in the fight against plastic pollution in Indonesia.

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Environmentalist And His Two Siblings Create Company To Remove Trash From Indonesia’s Heavily Polluted Rivers
