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Jamie Dimon’s stock-moving trades show why investors should track CEOs’ buying and selling

Jamie Dimon’s Stock-moving Trades Show Why Investors Should Track CEOs’ Buying And Selling

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon plans to sell roughly 12% of his stock in the bank, marking the first time in nearly two decades that he has sold shares for non-technical reasons. The sales, which will be done for tax planning and personal wealth diversification purposes, have caused a drop in JPMorgan shares and the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Tracking trades made by executives is important for investors, as they can provide valuable insights into the company's prospects. Dimon's stock purchases in 2016, on the other hand, were seen as a positive sign and coincided with significant market turnarounds.

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Jamie Dimon’s stock-moving trades show why investors should track CEOs’ buying and selling
