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Delhi: One Dead, 2 Injured in Hydrogen Cylinder Blast in Sangam Vihar

Delhi: One Dead, 2 Injured In Hydrogen Cylinder Blast In Sangam Vihar

A 50-year-old man died and two others, including a six-year-old girl, were seriously injured in a hydrogen gas cylinder blast in Sangam Vihar, South Delhi. The blast occurred at the house of a balloon seller, identified as Deep Singh. Singh was preparing gas using Calcium Carbide and water when the cylinder exploded, killing him instantly. CCTV footage of the blast shows smoke and dirt rising from the house before Singh's body falls to the ground. One injured person is undergoing treatment at JPN Apex Trauma Centre AIIMS, while the girl has been taken to another hospital.

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Delhi: One Dead, 2 Injured in Hydrogen Cylinder Blast in Sangam Vihar
