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New Nanoparticle Treatment Could Ease Arthritis Pain Following Breakthrough Research in Mice

New Nanoparticle Treatment Could Ease Arthritis Pain Following Breakthrough Research In Mice

A team of Korean scientists has developed a new treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) using nanoparticles. The treatment involves immobilizing ceria nanoparticles onto mesenchymal stem cell-derived nanovesicles, which can relieve immediate pain and restore T cell immunity. The researchers confirmed the efficacy of the treatment in lab mice, with improvement seen after just one dose. The treatment aims to provide both short-term relief and address the root cause of RA by restoring the immune system to its normal state. The researchers believe that this approach could also be applicable to other inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

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New Nanoparticle Treatment Could Ease Arthritis Pain Following Breakthrough Research in Mice
