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Ahead of King Charles’ visit, Kenyans seek justice for alleged crimes by British soldiers

Ahead Of King Charles’ Visit, Kenyans Seek Justice For Alleged Crimes By British Soldiers

King Charles' visit to Kenya acknowledges the painful aspects of the UK and Kenya's shared history, including alleged crimes committed by British soldiers. One case highlighted is that of Lisoka Lesasuyan, a Kenyan goatherder who lost both arms in 2015 due to an unexploded bomb left from joint military exercises. Lesasuyan received compensation from the British Ministry of Defence but still requires lifelong medical care. The presence of British soldiers in central Kenya has long attracted controversy, with accusations of rape and murder, as well as civilian injuries from munitions. The case of Agnes Wanjiru, allegedly killed by a British soldier, remains unresolved.

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Ahead of King Charles’ visit, Kenyans seek justice for alleged crimes by British soldiers
