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A Teenager Was Having a Stroke but His Dog Helped Save Him, Explains Doctor

A Teenager Was Having A Stroke But His Dog Helped Save Him, Explains Doctor

A family's border collie named Axel woke up his owners early one morning and began frantically clawing at the bedroom door of their son Gabriel. Gabriel was having a stroke on the left side of his brain and was already awake. He was rushed to the hospital where doctors informed the family that if Axel hadn't intervened, Gabriel might have suffered severe consequences. Gabriel has since undergone therapy and regained most of his abilities. Dogs have been known to detect strokes in people, and living alone with a dog increases the chances of surviving a stroke. Axel has been by Gabriel's side since his discharge from the hospital and will receive a medal in honor of his life-saving actions.

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A Teenager Was Having a Stroke but His Dog Helped Save Him, Explains Doctor
