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A-Rod regrets not investing in Amazon, Microsoft or Starbucks in the ’90s: ‘I wouldn’t have to work so hard today’

A-Rod Regrets Not Investing In Amazon, Microsoft Or Starbucks In The ’90s: ‘I Wouldn’t Have To Work So Hard Today’

Former Major League Baseball player Alex Rodriguez regrets not investing in Seattle-based companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Starbucks during the 1990s dot-com boom. He believes that if he had invested in these companies, he wouldn't have to work as hard today. Rodriguez earned over $455 million in salary and endorsements during his playing career and is now the CEO and chairman of startup investing firm A-Rod Corp. He advises young people to make smart long-term investments early in life to benefit from compound interest. Rodriguez is also a baseball analyst and co-owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves.

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A-Rod regrets not investing in Amazon, Microsoft or Starbucks in the ’90s: ‘I wouldn’t have to work so hard today’
