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The People v Panera’s Charged Lemonade and 13 Other Food-Related Lawsuits

The People V Panera’s Charged Lemonade And 13 Other Food-Related Lawsuits

This news article highlights 14 food-related lawsuits that have occurred in the past. Some of the lawsuits include a woman suing Kraft Heinz for false advertising, a man suing Panera Bread for a lemonade that allegedly caused cardiac arrest, and a lawsuit against Mars claiming that Skittles contain a toxin that can change DNA. Other lawsuits involve Subway's footlong sandwiches not measuring up, Jelly Belly candy misleading customers about its "Sport Beans," and a lawsuit against Nutella for false advertising. These lawsuits demonstrate the legal battles that can arise in the food industry.

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The People v Panera’s Charged Lemonade and 13 Other Food-Related Lawsuits
