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As Rainforests Worldwide Disappear, Summit to Protect Them Opens in Brazzaville

As Rainforests Worldwide Disappear, Summit To Protect Them Opens In Brazzaville

Leaders from countries with the largest tropical forest basins are meeting in the Republic of Congo to form a coalition and discuss how to protect their forests from deforestation and destruction. These forests account for 80% of the world's tropical forests and two-thirds of the Earth's biodiversity. Deforestation continues to occur despite pledges to stop it, with 4.1 million hectares of tropical forest lost in 2022. Agriculture, road expansion, fires, and commercial logging are the leading drivers of deforestation. The summit aims to finance the protection of these regions and develop actionable plans to protect and restore vital forest ecosystems.

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As Rainforests Worldwide Disappear, Summit to Protect Them Opens in Brazzaville
