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Mumbai: Domestic Help Transfers Rs 10.35 Lakh from Film Producer’s Account, Booked

Mumbai: Domestic Help Transfers Rs 10.35 Lakh From Film Producer’s Account, Booked

A film producer in Mumbai, Ramesh Jagdish Sharma, has been cheated of Rs 10.35 lakh by his domestic help, Irfan Javed Sayyad. Sayyad had been working with Sharma for five years and allegedly transferred the money from Sharma's account using a UPI-based app. The producer filed a complaint with the police after realizing the unauthorized transfers. Sayyad has been charged with cheating and other offenses under the Indian Penal Code and the Information Technology Act.

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Mumbai: Domestic Help Transfers Rs 10.35 Lakh from Film Producer’s Account, Booked
