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Tesla rival Xpeng presses ahead with driver-assist rollout in China, Europe

Tesla Rival Xpeng Presses Ahead With Driver-assist Rollout In China, Europe

Chinese electric car company Xpeng plans to introduce driver-assist technology in Europe by the end of 2021 and expand the technology to 50 cities in China by the end of this year. Xpeng's deployment of driver-assist tech is subject to regulatory approval, and the company is currently working with EU regulators to comply with GDPR data protection rules. In China, Xpeng has already rolled out driver-assist technology in cities such as Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou, with over 90% of users in Beijing utilizing the feature. The company believes there is a growing consumer adoption of driver-assist technologies in China.

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Tesla rival Xpeng presses ahead with driver-assist rollout in China, Europe
