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Construction Firm In Florida Builds Buildings Quietly And Quickly With Real-Life LEGO Bricks

Construction Firm In Florida Builds Buildings Quietly And Quickly With Real-Life LEGO Bricks

A construction firm in Florida is gaining traction in the industry with its innovative building blocks that function like real-life LEGO bricks. The interlocking blocks, made from a mineral composite and reinforced with glass fiber, can be assembled quickly and quietly using a special adhesive and rubber mallet. This method eliminates the need for heavy cutting, welding, or masonry on-site, making construction sites quieter and more efficient. The blocks have already been successfully used in a $21 million housing complex near West Palm Beach. The company, Renco USA, aims to provide cost-effective and sustainable building solutions for the construction industry.

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Construction Firm In Florida Builds Buildings Quietly And Quickly With Real-Life LEGO Bricks
