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‘It Was Beyond Vulgar’: Michael Bolton Says That Original Pitch for Lonely Island ‘Jack Sparrow’ Sketch Would Have Gotten Him Kicked Out of the Vatican

‘It Was Beyond Vulgar’: Michael Bolton Says That Original Pitch For Lonely Island ‘Jack Sparrow’ Sketch Would Have Gotten Him Kicked Out Of The Vatican

In a recent interview, Michael Bolton revealed that The Lonely Island initially pitched an obscenely offensive script for their collaboration on the digital short "Jack Sparrow." Bolton found the first draft of the script to be beyond vulgar and was concerned about insulting his live audience. However, after some tweaks and compromises, the sketch aired on Saturday Night Live and became a viral hit. Bolton saw a shift in his demographics and realized the importance of having fun. The article highlights the generational divide between Bolton and The Lonely Island but also emphasizes their successful collaboration.

The post ‘It Was Beyond Vulgar’: Michael Bolton Says That Original Pitch for Lonely Island ‘Jack Sparrow’ Sketch Would Have Gotten Him Kicked Out of the Vatican appeared first on Balanced News Summary.

This post first appeared on Balanced News Summary, please read the originial post: here

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‘It Was Beyond Vulgar’: Michael Bolton Says That Original Pitch for Lonely Island ‘Jack Sparrow’ Sketch Would Have Gotten Him Kicked Out of the Vatican
