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Lion Dubbed ‘World’s Loneliest’ Finally Returns To Africa After Years Of Isolation In Zoo

Lion Dubbed ‘World’s Loneliest’ Finally Returns To Africa After Years Of Isolation In Zoo

A lion named Ruben, previously known as the 'world's loneliest,' has been returned to Africa after spending five years in isolation in a zoo in Armenia. The 15-year-old lion was confined to a cramped concrete cell while the other lions found new homes. Ruben has now been transported to South Africa, where he is undergoing rehabilitation at the ADI Wildlife Sanctuary. The journey was made possible through the collaborative efforts of Animals Defenders International and Qatar Airways Cargo. Ruben is slowly regaining his health and confidence, and his transformation has astounded the sanctuary staff.

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Lion Dubbed ‘World’s Loneliest’ Finally Returns To Africa After Years Of Isolation In Zoo
