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Navratri 2023: Visakhapatnam Temple Decorates Goddess With Currency, Gold Worth Rs 2 Crore

Navratri 2023: Visakhapatnam Temple Decorates Goddess With Currency, Gold Worth Rs 2 Crore

The Kanyaka Parameshwari Ammavari Temple in Visakhapatnam, India has decorated its goddess with currency notes and gold ornaments worth Rs 2 crore during the Navratri festival. The temple has a tradition of adorning the idol with currency and gold for the past 20 years. The decoration included six kg of gold ornaments, gold sari, gold biscuits, six kg of silver articles, silver biscuits, and two crore of Indian currency. The temple management stated that people believe it is lucky to place currency and gold before the goddess for puja.

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Navratri 2023: Visakhapatnam Temple Decorates Goddess With Currency, Gold Worth Rs 2 Crore
