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5 Funny Films About Ghosts That Aren’t ‘Ghostbusters’

5 Funny Films About Ghosts That Aren’t ‘Ghostbusters’

The news article discusses five funny films about ghosts that are not "Ghostbusters." It mentions "Ghost," a 1990 supernatural romance that has become affectionately goofy due to its cheesiness. "Field of Dreams" is a film about a man's damaged relationship with his deceased father, with literal ghosts playing a role. "Topper" is a 1937 screwball comedy about a wealthy bank president haunted by the ghosts of his deceased friends. "ParaNorman" is a stop-motion film about a quirky kid who can see and speak to ghosts and must save his town from a witch's curse. "Beetlejuice" involves a young couple seeking help from an unhinged bio-exorcist to scare off new owners from renovating their afterlife home.

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5 Funny Films About Ghosts That Aren’t ‘Ghostbusters’
