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Day 14 of Hamas-Israel war blog: Friday Oct. 20

Day 14 Of Hamas-Israel War Blog: Friday Oct. 20

After two weeks of conflict, the death toll in Gaza has exceeded 4,000, and Hamas has released two American hostages. Secretary of State Antony Blinken held "listening sessions" with Muslim, Arab-American, and Jewish staffers in response to internal pressure at the State Department over their handling of the war. Tunisia's Jewish population is feeling increasingly vulnerable due to anti-Semitic attacks and inflammatory comments by the country's president. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Israel against a ground invasion of Gaza, while Israel's Defense Chief presented a three-phase plan for the war. The Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem condemned an Israeli airstrike on a Gaza church, calling it a war crime. Cross-border clashes between Hezbollah and the IDF continue, with Hezbollah questioning Israel's deterrence. The death toll in Gaza has reached 4,137, and there are concerns about potential energy crises for Europe due to the conflict.

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Day 14 of Hamas-Israel war blog: Friday Oct. 20
