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I’m a mom in Japan, home to the world’s healthiest kids—4 things Japanese parents do differently to raise successful eaters

I’m A Mom In Japan, Home To The World’s Healthiest Kids—4 Things Japanese Parents Do Differently To Raise Successful Eaters

Japanese parents raise successful eaters by following the philosophy of "shokuiku," which teaches children about the origins and effects of food. This approach, combined with a well-balanced meal style called "ichijū-sansai," helps to ensure that children have a healthy diet. Japanese schools also play a role in promoting shokuiku, with many having a school lunch system planned by nutritionists. Additionally, homemade bento lunches allow children to try new foods and avoid high-fat options. Overall, Japan has some of the world's healthiest children, with fewer than one in five being overweight.

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I’m a mom in Japan, home to the world’s healthiest kids—4 things Japanese parents do differently to raise successful eaters
