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SC Acquits Woman Accused of Killing Her Newborn Child, Says No Conclusive Proof Against Her

SC Acquits Woman Accused Of Killing Her Newborn Child, Says No Conclusive Proof Against Her

The Supreme Court has acquitted a woman who was convicted by a trial court for killing her newborn child due to a lack of conclusive evidence. The court stated that sentencing someone to life imprisonment requires proper appreciation of evidence and cannot be done mechanically. The court also criticized the cultural stereotypes and gendered identities that were reinforced by thrusting the guilt on the woman simply because she was living alone in a village. The court emphasized the inviolable right to privacy and stated that it is within a woman's privacy to decide whether to bear a child or abort her pregnancy within the framework of the law.

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SC Acquits Woman Accused of Killing Her Newborn Child, Says No Conclusive Proof Against Her
