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Reject Tibet name change, leader of Tibet’s government-in-exile says

Reject Tibet Name Change, Leader Of Tibet’s Government-in-exile Says

The leader of Tibet’s government-in-exile, Sikyong Penpa Tsering, has called on the international community to reject China's decision to replace the term "Tibet" with "Xizang" on official diplomatic documents. Chinese media and official accounts have stated that there is "no more Tibet" in Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs documents. Tsering argues that the Chinese government is trying to reshape history and erase Tibet's identity and history. The name change is seen as an attempt to prevent the Dalai Lama from speaking about Tibet, and scholars claim it promotes the CCP's occupation and rule of the region. Tsering is currently on an official visit to Latin America and North America to build support for the Tibetan cause.

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Reject Tibet name change, leader of Tibet’s government-in-exile says
