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Mozambique burns 45,000 hens as bird flu spreads from South Africa

Mozambique Burns 45,000 Hens As Bird Flu Spreads From South Africa

More than 45,000 hens have been slaughtered and destroyed in Mozambique to prevent the spread of bird flu, which originated from neighboring South Africa. The outbreak has now reached Mozambique's district of Morrumbene, causing a shortage of eggs and chickens and a sharp increase in prices. The hens had been imported from South Africa and had been in contact with infected chickens. South Africa has already been dealing with a severe bird flu outbreak, resulting in the killing of seven million hens, leading to a shortage in egg and chicken meat supply. Mozambique has banned the importation of chickens and their derivatives from South Africa.

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Mozambique burns 45,000 hens as bird flu spreads from South Africa
