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Gujarat ATS Nabs Man for Helping Pakistan Spy on Indian Defence Personnel by Sending Malware on WhatsApp

Gujarat ATS Nabs Man For Helping Pakistan Spy On Indian Defence Personnel By Sending Malware On WhatsApp

The Gujarat ATS has arrested Labhshankar Maheshwari, a Pakistani man who was granted Indian citizenship in 2005, for allegedly helping Pakistani authorities spy on Indian defense personnel. Maheshwari is accused of sending tracking malware through WhatsApp. The investigation revealed that he agreed to be part of the conspiracy in order to expedite the visa process for himself and his family members. The malware sent through WhatsApp was a Remote Access Trojan that extracted information from mobile phones and sent it to a command and control center outside India. Two other suspects involved in the operation are currently on the run.

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Gujarat ATS Nabs Man for Helping Pakistan Spy on Indian Defence Personnel by Sending Malware on WhatsApp
