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Chicago Marathoner Gave Up Record Finish to Save Kitten–Which Goes on to Find New Home with Spectator

Chicago Marathoner Gave Up Record Finish To Save Kitten–Which Goes On To Find New Home With Spectator

A Chicago Marathon runner, Sarah Bohan, gave up a record finish to save a stray kitten she found during the race. She decided to walk the rest of the course while holding the kitten until she found a spectator, Andrea Maldonado, who offered to give the kitten a new home. The runner was raising money for PAWS Chicago, a rescue organization, and they offered free vet services as a thank-you to Maldonado. The kitten, named Casper, received vaccinations, microchipping, and a flea/tick treatment and is now living happily with Maldonado's family.

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Chicago Marathoner Gave Up Record Finish to Save Kitten–Which Goes on to Find New Home with Spectator
