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Kardashians, Logan Paul Chiropractor Behind Bars For Fraud Scheme With NBA Stars

Kardashians, Logan Paul Chiropractor Behind Bars For Fraud Scheme With NBA Stars

Dr. Patrick Khaziran, a chiropractor to Hollywood stars like the Kardashians, Logan Paul, and Kevin Hart, has been sentenced to 30 months in prison for his involvement in a fraud scheme with former NBA players. He was convicted of creating fraudulent invoices that were used to bill the NBA's health plan for medical services that were never provided. The scheme cost the NBA health plan $1.3 million in losses, with Dr. Pat pocketing $439K for himself and sharing the rest with the former NBA players. Dr. Pat's role in the fraud scheme was exposed during an episode of "The Kardashians."

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Kardashians, Logan Paul Chiropractor Behind Bars For Fraud Scheme With NBA Stars
